A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Okay, so it's been a while. As I type, I am at my old work station at Davis Rebar, Inc. I landed an editing job here, so it'll be interesting - to say the least - that I'm back in the office. Unofficially, I was offered the full-time position at David's Bridal. I figured, until that time, I will just work on the editing thing and make my $13 an hour. So far, this is my first day, and I've already made about $65. By the end of the day, I'll have made $105. Very nice, if I do say so myself.

Now, just because I've got this job and another on the way doesn't mean that I'll give up on my teaching certificate. I'm still trying to get that because it's what I want to do. I can do things like the editing job and what not on the side to make some extra monies.

In any case, that's the news for now. Oh, and Arthur is said to have to stay out of town for another year or so. How much does that suck? I can't even begin to tell you how much I actually miss the banter and company. Especially now that I'm back in the office. Oh well. Anyway, that's it for now...more later, I hope!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

By The By...

Today is Kory's birthday. While I was experiencing a brief moment of insanity, I thought I should be the bigger person and call to say "Happy Birthday" even though he didn't have the decency to do the same for me. In any case, I decided against it because I really wasn't feeling like the bigger person after all and I realized that it was insane to think that I should do that. I mean, I am a good person, and I would like to do things with the intention of being good, but I would have done this just to rub it in his face which, no doubt, would have backfired and I would have ended up feeling like shit. Anyway, I guess that's about it.

Oh, and to answer your question, Reid, I don't really know what happened with the whole job thing. One minute they like me, the next minute, the twig at work is talking all kinds of shit, they don't like me, and they let me go. Yeah, it does sound rather shady, but what can you do? I'd take them to the cleaners if I could, but I've still got at least two friends there who I couldn't see out of jobs...plus, Arthur is still working for them - technically - so I couldn't do that, either...not that I would be able to, just that I couldn't.

Okay, that's really it for now. G'night! :)


Well, it's been a while since I've been able to blog because I don't have internet access at home, so I have to run over to a friend's house (actually, the friend that had to fire me) to get on the internet and get an update out.

Thus far, I have interviewed for a sales position at David's Bridal - it's good money if I can sell over $12,000 in a two week period. At the moment, I'm still working on getting my teaching certificate as well as signing up for a teaching position for the Bellevue Public Schools in the summer. Yeah, that means that I'll be a summer school teacher, but it also means that I'll get some hands-on experience that might be useful. In addition, it means that I'll get to network - and that's really what I'm after.

Oh, and I also decided that it was time for me to do things that I've always wanted to do but never did. For example, I've always wanted to get a body piercing but never did because Kory didn't approve and I thought I had to make him happy - silly me. So, last week Friday, Jadee and I went down to The Big Brain Productions - a local piercing and tattoo parlor - and I got my nose and my tongue punctured. I actually like them and I think they're cool. Insofar as professionalism, I'm not worried. I interviewed with both piercings, and I'm pretty confident that I'll get the job. Apparently, there's a girl who worked at Lane Bryant right after I left who now works at David's Bridal. She approached me on Friday to ask if I was me. She interrupted my interview and everything to ask, and then she said that I am "a legend over at Oakview." I think this impressed the manager who was interviewing me.

Anyway, that's all for now. Reid, thanks for the props. Things are going, and I'd like to keep it that way. Anyway, drop a line if you're bored or can't sleep. Love you!

Monday, February 13, 2006


So, there's been a huge undertaking since last I blogged. To make a long story short, I got laid off from my job at Davis Rebar. While it came as a bit of a shock, I have to say that I'm not very unhappy about the events. I've been talking about going back to teaching for the longest time, and this is just the kick in the ass that I needed to get me going.

I'm looking forward to getting back in the saddle and getting in gear when it concerns my profession. While I was down for about twenty four hours, I don't appear to be a person that's been let go or anything like that.

Anyway, I've got a plan and I'm planning on sticking to it. There's been job offers and the like, and I think I'll take them up on the offers in the interim of finding a teaching job.

Anyway, that's all for now. Not too much other than that. On Saturday, I cleaned out the office of all my personal belongings and left little notes for everyone - thanking them for an amazing opportunity and letting them know that I have been blessed by their friendship.

Okay, that's all for now...for real. Until my next entry!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Slow Days...

Well, it's official: the work week drags on and on when there's nothing to do. I've found that I want to do things and get stuff done, but alas, there is nothing to do! I'm sick with sitting here and waiting for something to do. Does that even make sense?

Anyway, just to update and get back in touch with the blogging thing: here's what's been on my plate for the last week or so:

Morgan - my boss' 17-year old son - has been hitting on me...hard. For example, on Monday and Tuesday night, after 10:30 (or later), he calls me on my work phone and says, "Hey, where you at?" So, I tell him that I'm at home and sleeping. Then, he says that he wants to come over and hang out because he's bored. Yeah, right. And I wouldn't think it was a pass except that it's him and I know it would be a pass if he came over. While I think this is pretty disturbing, I just let it pass because he's young and stupid. Boys his age do all sorts of stupid things.

On the work front - I've been documenting everything that I do. From the time that I come into the office to the time I leave, everything I do is documented. If I'm working on a project and am interupted with another, smaller project, then I document when I stopped to do the secondary project and when I return to my primary project. I also document who asked me to complete the project. That way, if there's someone who says something like, "Oh, what did you do yesterday that you couldn't get this done?" I can say, "Imagine that, I can tell you right away what I did yesterday," and pull out my little piece of paper that documents my activity down to the minute! It's a bit of a hassle, but it's to cover my own ass when it comes to back-stabbing climbers - like the frail waif that I work with.

On the home front - not home-home, but here-home - things are back to normal. I've been really tired these last few days, and I'm not so sure what it's from, but I'm sure I'll be back to normal in a few days. I try to go to sleep early enough, but it doesn't seem to be enough lately. For example, I went to sleep at about 10:30 - 11-ish last night, got up at 7 this morning, and still felt like I was hit by a truck! Don't know what it could be, but it is what it is, and I'm sure that I'll be fine.

Anyway, that's it for now. Nothing too major. Arthur is still out of town, so I'm kinda bummed about that. Oh, and I've been listening to my ghetto stuff again and now everyone thinks I'm ghetto. Oh, and I talked to my sister this morning, and we talked about how I was thinking of getting something peirced...not sure what just yet, but I think I'm going to do it. Okie dokie...that's it for now. Great slow days, huh?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Over The Weekend

So, the weekend was somewhat eventful. On Friday, Jadee and I went to Billy Frogs - a bar/grill - and helped Jenn to celebrate her birthday. Jadee and I took a birthday shot with Jenn and hung out. Well, Jenn got super drunk and deunk dialed my work phone. Can you guess who she might have called? If you guessed Arthur, you're right! She drunk dialed Arthur and told him that I had a huge crush on him and that I didn't know she was doing it. Then, she took his number and put it in her cell phone and called him later. Since he's on a different time (I think he's one or two hours ahead of us), it was pretty late when she called to talk to him, and he was mad. In any case, that's what happened on Friday. Arthur's still not back from working out of town, and so I've not heard from him. I guess no news is good news, right? I'm not worried about it, though.

Saturday I cleaned and went to Archiver's for a scrapbooking session. I should have stayed home because I wasn't feeling too good, but I went anyway and got some things done. I'd like to get my cousin's wedding shower invitations done, but there's no luck there. I'm just having a creative block or something. I did get to start on some books that I want to make for my cousin, but that's not what I needed to do. I'd really like to get them started and finished because they need to be out by April. Wish me luck on these, okay?

Sunday was the usual: dog training in the morning and an afternoon of stuff. I acutally went to Sam's Club on Sunday afternoon with Rob, Ka`ai, and Jadee. Went back to Rob's for dinner and the Superbowl - which, by the way, I didn't find exciting in the least.

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope this week goes by a lot faster than last week did.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Been A While...Let's Catch Up!

Well, it's been a week now, and there has been so much that's happened, but it's been really painful for me.

About two and a half weeks ago, I was offered a job in a different division of the company. I readily accepted - without asking pertinent questions like, how much will I get paid, and what will I have to do. Anyway, the training for that job was supposed to begin sometime this week. It wasn't announced, as of Monday, so I asked Rob if he knew when the training was supposed to start. Well, on Tuesday afternoon, after I was told that my start date would be the 10th of the month, and that I would be getting all the training I would need to be a pro at the job, Rob calls me into his office to tell me two things: 1) I'm not getting the job because they've changed their mind about me and want someone older, more mature, and who has more experience with receivables, and 2) that the resident twig in the office has been talking smack behind my back to one of the three big bosses - telling him that I leave early to go and do personal stuff for Roger and that it's on company time. FUCK!

So, I've been dealing with that crap. On top of that, yesterday, I came into work early so that I could leave a little early. I was in the office at around 7:30 so that I could leave at around 3:30 - a nice eight hour day since I bring my lunch and work through lunch. So, when I go and run an errand for Rob and Roger, I come back, fill my car with the dog food that Rob has purchased for Roger and proceed to tell Rob that I'll be leaving in a bit and that I came in early today. He says to me, "I'm staying out of it." What? What the hell is that? Aren't you supposed to be my friend who's got my back? Isn't that why you told me that crap about the twig in the first place? So, I call my sister and vent to her, and she suggested that I just let it pass because it's so out of character for Rob to be acting this way. So, I let it pass. Whatever.

Today, I'm sitting in the office - after lunch - and I'm getting ready to do another bank run for Roger and Rob says, "I hope you're keeping the receipts for all the times you wire him money." I said, "What for?" He says that it's because Roger will get the check back, know that he only asked for this much, but that I would have to have taken out more than what he requested. Okay, so? So, Roger doesn't trust me now? Or, I have to prove that I'm not doing anything wrong now? What the fuck? You know? And then, Rob changes the subject and says that tomorrow is pay day...I say, yeah. And he asks how much I'm going to put to my car tomorrow...I say, "I don't know. I'm early on payments, so I thought I could wait a bit..." He says, "The earlier the better..." I'm thinking to myself...what the fuck is going on here?!? I feel like I've stepped into another realm where I'm no longer trustworthy. What is this?

My sister says that I should confront him about this...talk to him. I say fuck that! Why should I bring more drama into my life when I don't have to? I only owe $200 more for this month on my car, and I want to start paying my mom back for the furniture that she bought when I couldn't get it myself. (Oh yeah, I've got some furniture in my once empty apartment.)

Anyway, that's my drama for now. I'm super bummed because things just seem like they're falling apart at the moment. Have you ever had that feeling that no matter what you do, there's nothing to keep things from going to pieces? I suppose there isn't a whole lot I can do but roll with it and stick it out, right? Wish me luck, because I feel like I'm going to need it!