A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Slow Days...

Well, it's official: the work week drags on and on when there's nothing to do. I've found that I want to do things and get stuff done, but alas, there is nothing to do! I'm sick with sitting here and waiting for something to do. Does that even make sense?

Anyway, just to update and get back in touch with the blogging thing: here's what's been on my plate for the last week or so:

Morgan - my boss' 17-year old son - has been hitting on me...hard. For example, on Monday and Tuesday night, after 10:30 (or later), he calls me on my work phone and says, "Hey, where you at?" So, I tell him that I'm at home and sleeping. Then, he says that he wants to come over and hang out because he's bored. Yeah, right. And I wouldn't think it was a pass except that it's him and I know it would be a pass if he came over. While I think this is pretty disturbing, I just let it pass because he's young and stupid. Boys his age do all sorts of stupid things.

On the work front - I've been documenting everything that I do. From the time that I come into the office to the time I leave, everything I do is documented. If I'm working on a project and am interupted with another, smaller project, then I document when I stopped to do the secondary project and when I return to my primary project. I also document who asked me to complete the project. That way, if there's someone who says something like, "Oh, what did you do yesterday that you couldn't get this done?" I can say, "Imagine that, I can tell you right away what I did yesterday," and pull out my little piece of paper that documents my activity down to the minute! It's a bit of a hassle, but it's to cover my own ass when it comes to back-stabbing climbers - like the frail waif that I work with.

On the home front - not home-home, but here-home - things are back to normal. I've been really tired these last few days, and I'm not so sure what it's from, but I'm sure I'll be back to normal in a few days. I try to go to sleep early enough, but it doesn't seem to be enough lately. For example, I went to sleep at about 10:30 - 11-ish last night, got up at 7 this morning, and still felt like I was hit by a truck! Don't know what it could be, but it is what it is, and I'm sure that I'll be fine.

Anyway, that's it for now. Nothing too major. Arthur is still out of town, so I'm kinda bummed about that. Oh, and I've been listening to my ghetto stuff again and now everyone thinks I'm ghetto. Oh, and I talked to my sister this morning, and we talked about how I was thinking of getting something peirced...not sure what just yet, but I think I'm going to do it. Okie dokie...that's it for now. Great slow days, huh?


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