A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Thursday, January 19, 2006

It's Been A While...Let's Catch Up!

Wow, so the last time I posted was on the 5th of January! Sorry for the tardiness of my next entry. So, let's catch up already.

Nothing amazing has been happening on the love-life front. I'm still very infatuated with Arthur - from afar; of course, only now, I've found out Rob and Ka`ai, who I haven't told about my crush, have sneaking suspicions that I might like Arthur or Jake…Ka`ai says that she has a sense for these kinds of things and that she can totally see me with Arthur and not Jake. (This puts me at ease that she can see that, but I’m still a bit uncomfortable about them being on to me.) So, I have to ask, Am I that transparent? God, I hope not.

Oh, and a funny story: last Wednesday, January 11th, my boss’ son made a pass at me. (I know, funny, funny, funny) Anyway, I probably would have taken him a bit more seriously if he were about my age – even if he were a year or two younger – but I think I’d have to draw the line when the boy (and he is a boy) is the same age as my kid brother! Yeah, he’s only 17. I don’t think he realized that I would be turning 25 in a week or so, so I pointed that out to him. His reply? He didn’t really care…didn’t think it was important. I just laughed it off – for about five minutes – remembered he was still standing there and apologized for laughing so hard. I told my brother about it and he said that I was mean for laughing like that. I’d just like to know: What was I supposed to do? I’ve decided that there’s really nothing that I could have done besides brush it off and laugh at it. (Even though I did laugh for a long time.) Anyway, things were fine after that. I went home and saw him the next day. It was good that neither of us mentioned the previous night. He did make a confession on Friday though. He said that “…when it’s been a while, he starts to ‘look’ at ‘older’ women.” To which I replied, “Oh, so that’s why you hit on me the other day!” We both laughed that off. Since Friday had come and gone and there was no sign of more passes coming my way, I thought nothing of it…almost forgot about it, actually. Then, Monday came, and I was back at my boss’ house, taking care of his dogs while he was out of town. And, lo and behold, he tries again. This time, a little more than the last time. He even told me that my hair smelled good. Persistent little fucker. I did the only thing I could do…laughed and left. Yes, I’ve seen him since, and no, we haven’t talked about it at all. It’s as though it hadn’t even happened. (Thank God.)

Let’s see…what else. Oh yes! My birthday is coming up next Friday, and we’re all going out after work. We’re going to another bar called Brownies and Jenn and Jadee have agreed to come out and take care of me. Since everyone knows that I didn’t really have a 21st birthday party – the way most 21-year olds celebrate it – they’ve decided that my 25th will be what my 21st should have been. In all honesty, I’m terrified beyond belief! I almost don’t want to go at all…I’m scared I’ll say something stupid, do something stupid, or palu (vomit). And God, I really don’t want to do that.

Hmm…Oh yeah! I’ve been offered a job in another one of the four companies that work together to create Ridgetop Holdings, Inc. (Rebar is just one of the four.) I would get an increase in pay and my own office. The only catch is that I would be leaving Rebar for Crane Rental and Rigging or Crane Sales and Services. The move is good for me – professionally – but I really like the people that I work with. It’s going to be a tough decision, but it’s not like I wouldn’t be seeing them – it’s just that I wouldn’t be seeing as much of them…Especially Arthur. But, I think I’m going to do it. Like I said, it’s a good move financially and professionally, and nothing will really change by my location and an addition of a few responsibilities. I will, though, lose the personal aspect of the job (where I work for Roger doing things like his bills and his dogs) which is not such a bad thing.

Anyway, that’s about it for now. I promise to try harder to blog more frequently – so that there isn’t some huge blog that takes up so much time. Oh! Starting this weekend, I’ve got plans for every weekend through the first weekend of March! Amazing, isn’t it? Anyway, I’ll blog a little later…especially if there’s something that I’ve forgotten in this entry. :)


Blogger rpalmeira said...

hey, congrats on the new job offer. I just realized this morning as I re-read the email from one of my prosptective employers that my interview this evening is with the father of a former student of mine. One of the speech kids that made it to nationals last year. His dad is my interviewer. crazy.

Good that you're keeping busy and if I don't get a chance to talk to you between now and next weekend, happy birthday!

12:58 PM  

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