A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmas and Stuff...

So, the Christmas holiday has passed, and it wasn't a big deal or anything, but I had a great time. I went with my friend, Jenn, to her family's house in Kearny, NE. (That's pronounced, Car-nee) Anyway, it was a blast. Her family is crazy - just like mine - so I didn't have any problems fitting in. I was proud of the role of babysitter as I had forgotten about what it was like to have little ones around. It was fun.

We left on Saturday morning and returned on Sunday evening. It wasn't a long visit, but it was a good visit. We had dinner with Rob, Ka`ai, Calli, and Alan on Christmas night, and Jenn came along too. On the drive back to Omaha, it was really nice because we got to talking about all sorts of stuff. Oh, and we decided that we really like number seven on the Carrie Underwood CD. If you have it, listen to it...if you don't, find someone who does and then listen to it.

I got to sleep over Calli and Alan's house on Sunday night because Al and I were going to go to the bookstore on Monday. (And we did.) So, we go to the bookstore and then we head over to IHOP for a bite before going home again. Then, while we're eating, Al says, "So, when are you going to make a move on Arthur?" I thought it was totally hillarious because Jenn, Calli, my mom, and my sister are asking the same thing! So, I told Al, "Oh, no...not you, too!" He said that he just wants me to be happy and that liking Arthur has made me happy lately. I said thanks and that it makes me feel good to know he cares so much. Then, the shock of shocks happened...Kory called me. I missed the call because I was eating with Al, but he left a message. He just wanted to wish me a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hoped that I was doing well. The really nice thing about it all is that I know just how well I'm doing!

No, I'm not rolling in the dough or anything like that, but I feel like my life is a lot richer this year than in years past. For example, I have family all over the place - there's Pua in California, all the family in Hawai`i, Jenn, Rob and Ka`ai, Calli and Al, and now Jenn's family in Kearny, too! I am truly a blessed person to know that I have such good things around me.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. Still totally "ga-ga" over Arthur, but that's okay. Oh, and while I made a big "OOPS" last Thursday - our bar night - I'm really happy to say that Jake hasn't said anything to make me thing that he will say anything...and he hasn't done anything that would make me believe my secret is in jeopardy. Yay! All right, well, leave a comment if you like, but for a Tuesday morning with little to do, I'm thinking it'll be a pretty good day!


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