A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Friday, December 16, 2005


Oh, how I love Fridays! Sometimes, in the morning, I'm afraid they'll last forever. Then, I get to doing something and they seem to just fly right on by.

That's how my day was today. I got to work this morning and it just dragged on. Then, I got the boys (Arthur and Jake) to answer some movie question thingy and it was too much fun. Well, even before that, the boys came into the office and we were waiting for our 9 am meeting (which didn't happen). We got to talking about the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and Jake and I are just laughing our asses off! It was too funny to find someone who thought it was just as funny as I did!

Anyway, to make a long story short, the first half of my day was pretty slow (with the exception of the movie discussion and the movie game) and the second half of my day seems to have just flitted away. But, there is no sadness to it because I'm kinda glad that the day is almost over. I get to go home in a half an hour, and I'm looking forward to taking Dora for a walk. We haven't been on a walk in a long time, and I think she would have some fun! So, happy weekend to y'all and have fun!


Blogger rpalmeira said...

Happy weekend to you! Good cheers and good times. I'll be off island for a week for Christmas but my internet connectivity should still be around so i'll drop you an emai or something, maybe call. glad to hear you had a good party and an great end to the week. I have once again begun to appreciate the joy of cognac and i would plan to finish off the bottle if i didn't have to be somewhat not-brain dead tommorrow for a speech thing. Dosvedonya, -reid

1:07 AM  

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