A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Monday, December 05, 2005

Updates (This one should have come before the other one)

Okay, so I forgot some things that I wanted to mention before...sue me!

Last week Thursday, I got to ride in the hot truck with Arthur. Did I mention that he has a hot truck? It's Dodge Ram 2500, Diesel engine truck...very hot, indeed! Anyway, Bob and his wife rode in their car that was filled in the back, so Arthur and I rode in his truck, and it was great.

Then, on Friday, Arthur, Bob, our boss, and I went out to lunch. I got to play with Arthur's newest little one (another little boy German Shepherd) and we bonded (sortof). He followed me wherever I went and even helped me to start the car. Also, I gave him treats. You know what they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. (If the saying doesn't work for men, it surely works for dogs!)

Then, on Saturday (yes, the same day as the party) my baby, Dora, came into season! I can't believe that my baby isn't a baby anymore! I'm so excited! I was so sad that I had missed her first heat that I just got to the point of accepting that I had missed it. But, this is her first heat, and I'm here for it, and I'm such a proud mom...it's strange, I know, but I'm proud. I even called family at home to tell them the good news!

Okay, those are the things that I forgot to include on the other entry. But I believe that's it for now!


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