A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Friday, December 02, 2005

Baby Fever

So, I found out yesterday that there is yet another person at my work place that is expecting! Can you imagine what that's like? I mean, I've played with babies and I've had little ones around me for a while, but I've never had baby fever as I do now.

It's been going on for about eight months now, but I feel this deep-rooted desire to have little ones around me all the time. I thought I could asuage the feeling by getting another pet, but it hasn't worked out quite like that. While I love my baby, Dora, it's just not the same. And while I understand the practicality (or lack thereof) of having a baby, that doesn't lessen the desire.

Two of my best friends are expecting their first baby in January, and I am so jealous! I want to scream and shout, "When's it my turn!?" This is where anger comes into the picture. Why did Kory have to go and ruin my carefully laid plans? I mean, I thought I would be on my way to engagement if not marriage and the prospects of having a family shortly thereafter. I'm not a spring chicken anymore and I'm feeling like I'm getting older and older as each wasted moment passes me by.

And while there is progress in my growth from the time of my breakup till now, I'm still single. And being single, while it is liberating, is still a pretty lonely place to be.

On the bright side, my crush on Arthur has put me into somewhat better spirits...even while it's only a one-sided crush and my singleton status remains constant. I did share with another friend, though, the secret of my crush. I'm praying and hoping that I haven't put misplaced trust in her hands. I'd hate to get burned again.

Anyway, enough darkness for now. Reid, thanks for linking me. You'll have to tell me how to do it so that we can link each other. Or, maybe you could do it for me since I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to how to do it? And it looks like you're doing much better - from this point of view, anyway. I'm glad that you went to Kamehameha's Thanksgiving Tournament. I'm also glad to see that progress, while slow and steady, is catching up to you. And, please, stop thinking that there is so much hate out there for you - instead, just visit with me and you'll remember how much love there is for you - even if it is from only one person that will profess and proclaim it. :)


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