A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Morning After

Yesterday, it snowed...all day. Have you ever witnessed the first snowfall? It's truly beautiful. With the snow coming down all day, it got me to remembering that Kory and I would sit in my darkened apartment, snuggled under my down blanket, and watch the snow fallling. How picturesque, no?

Anyway, it got me missing him terribly, and I did the unthinkable...I called him. I did have a valid reason. Remember how we talked for 5 1/2 hours the last time we spoke? Well, I wanted to see if it was just a fluke and so I called to see when he wanted to come and get his things that were at my apartment. I left a message - as I normally would - and said to call me back so that I would know when to expect him to come and get his things. So, he called back, he said it wouldn't be until December - and maybe even that might not happen. Then, he said, "Whatever you do, please, just don't throw it away." Pause, contemplate, react. WHAT?! Why the hell would I do that? So, I asked, "Do you really think that I would do that?" He said, "No." So, I said, "Why would you think that I would do something like that?" He replied, "I was just joking." So, I said, "You sounded pretty serious to me." To which he responded, "No, it just sounds that way because I have a cold."

Again, WHAT? What kind of an excuse is that? I mean, come on! Really!?! Couldn't you think of some better excuse than, "I have a cold"? Anyway, I guess I got my answer because right after he said that he had a cold, he said that he needed to go because he was headed out. I'm thinking to myself, again, couldn't you come up with an excuse that was more plausible? Don't you think that if you have a cold, you'd stay inside on a night when it's freezing? Anyway, I suppose that's too much common sense for one person to handle.

This is the part that gets to me the most: Despite the conversation and its all-time rediculousness, I still have to wait for him to come and get his things. What should I do? Should I give him a timeline to work with? Should I say, "Hey, I need you to come and get your stuff because I don't want it in my apartment."? In all reality...I don't want it in my place. I was hoping that I could start the new year all fresh and devoid of past reminders. I mean, some things will always be a reminder of him - like Colby-Jack - my cat. Kory was with me when I got him and Kory loved him. But that's besides the point, right? Anyway, that's my Kory-rant-and-rave for the morning.

Reid called this morning...love that guy, but, damn it all, Reid...GET SOME SLEEP! How else are we to hang out and do all kinds of fun stuff when I come home in May? (Yeah, I know, far from November, but still, we're planners-aheaders.)


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