A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Monday, November 14, 2005


I was thinking, over my lunch break, how easy it should be for me to walk away from everything that causes me pain - regarding Kory, of course.

My friend, you see, had a girlfriend who cheated on him. Is it any easier for him to be going through a break up because of her infidelity? Probably not. In fact, no, it isn't. But couldn't I rely on my anger if Kory had done something so callous?

I don't remember very many bad things about Kory. I mean, we could create a list of things that I can recall off the top of my head, but they aren't large things that would have devastated me if they happened. For example, he wasn't very neat about things. He sometimes just left a plate on the floor or on my desk when he was done using it. Or, he would throw a candy wrapper on the floor of my apartment when the trash can was only three or four feet away. Something that didn't bother me, until recently, was that I paid for almost everything. I say almost because there were times that he paid. But here's the part that really kicks the groin: I used to feel guilty because he paid! How STUPID is that? I mean, come on!

One thing that used to always get me where it counted was that he would hardly call me. Have you ever read the book, "He's Just Not That Into You"? Well, if he wanted to call me, the author writes, he would find a way to do it. If someone is into you, they would find a way to do just about anything, don't you think? Listen, again, it's the romantic in me talking.

Anyway, that was my random thought - that I should be able to get over this with ease but, for some reason or another, haven't been able to find a way out. Help? Please?


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