A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Friday, December 09, 2005


As in previous times, I've been derelict in my duty to blog. There hasn't been very many things going on for me...just the usual stuff. I've been at Rob and Ka`ai's house (two very good friends of mine) helping with getting their baby's room together.

It's so exciting to have a little one on the way. I've been thinking that my biological clock has been ticking, and helping them makes it so that each tick is louder. But, that's okay. I'm fully aware of what my body's saying to me and it's all right. My turn is going to come...eventually, right?

Okay, enough of that stuff. I'm getting super excited about our little work Christmas party that's happening next week. We're supposed to bring a gift so that we can exchange and what not, and I've only told one person what it is that I'm bringing. He thinks it's cool, but he also thinks that I shouldn't go over the $15 gift cap. Oh well. I told him that I wanted everyone to want my gift...after all, my shit is tight...why wouldn't they want it?

Nah, I'm just playing. Anyway, that's what's been going on. I get to go shopping tonight. The top that I was going to wear to the party got ruined...Dora got at it and proved, once again, that she is a destructo-dog every now and again. So, I'm going to get my little gift for the party, a nice little outfit because I need to feel like I look my best when Arthur sees me outside of work, and I'm going to get some decorations for the office.

Well, that's it for now...wish me luck!


Blogger rpalmeira said...

Kids and dogs. Both are great and both are complete destroyers.

oh well, best of luck with the party, clothes and gift shopping

12:48 PM  

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