A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Second Day Of The Week

So, Monday is come and gone, and I'm left with a frigid Tuesday morning. It was so hard to get out of my nice and warm bed this morning to walk around in the cold of my apartment. It's days, weeks, and months of extreme temperatures that make me miss home the most.

Anyway, I got a comment from Reid last night, and yes, Reid, you're right again. This is my issue, though: While I can deal with the rejection, it's the aftermath that troubles me. I work with this guy, and I would hate, absolutely hate, that there would be any kind of uncomfort for either of us - but especially me. Right now, the relationship is great...We're friends, we talk, we get along really well. We laugh a lot and joke a lot and it's all around goodness. I don't want to lose that by saying something that could spoil all the good fun. You know what I mean?

I dunno...maybe I'm just being silly, but that's how I'm feeling. I like that I'm crushing on him...I like the way that it makes me feel to see him or think of seeing him. I get all excited and giddy, and it's absolutely ridiculous, but it's fun.

I talked to my mom about it last night, and she's more embarrassed that her daughter hasn't yet taken the initiative and, as she says, "rushed him." But she understands that I'm having fun with it...that I'm liking the way it's making me feel. I'm just so afraid to loose all that, you know?

Anyway, enough of that. Reid, the beer, you'd be disappointed to know, is nothing so special as Guinness or Red Stripe. Sorry to bum you out further. Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Until next time!


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