A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Monday, December 19, 2005

This Past Weekend...Up To Today

Well, there wasn't anything major that happened. I watched The 40 Year Old Virgin too many times, I cleaned my apartment, and I went to Schutzhund training on Sunday morning.

Can I just say that I've got great friends and an awesome (albeit dysfunctional) family? I finally got to talk to my sister the other night - which hasn't happened for a while because, well, a couple of things: 1) she has a new boyfriend which monopolizes a lot of her free time, and 2) she got sick and was told not to talk. Now, this second thing that happened to her is actually very funny to me. If you know anything about my sister, you know that she's not one for shutting up. She's pretty talkative and can go a mile a minute. So, having to keep totally quiet is just too funny and cruel a punishment for her.

Anyway, enough about that. On Saturday, I cleaned. My friend came over and said that she wanted to clean my house with me, so I said "Okay." Normally, I would have been mortified, but if I didn't have any kind of help, I think I would have become overwhelmed and just stopped. It was way better that there was help because I began to unpack and all that good stuff and my apartment actually looks decent! (Even though I don't have any furniture.)

Then, there's Sunday with dog training. Dora was actually performing well yesterday. Morgan - Roger's son and member of our Schutzhund club - and I will be getting together every Tuesday and Thursday night for extra training. I want Dora to start advancing. I asked him whether or not I was being too hard on her and expecting too much, and he said that I wasn't. He's acutally a great trainer. He's patient and he keeps at it. I think I can learn a lot from him if I apply myself and really start to work with her. He said, too, that since she's still in heat that she'll be useless and a huge space cadet until it's over, so I should be patient. Tomorrow is our first session. We'll see how it goes. He was working with her yesterday, and already I saw great changes in her. I'm super excited to see what she can do. I'd also like to start her on her tracking, too. We'll see what Morgan says.

Tonight is all about the cookies! I'll be baking and hopefully I can come up with about 10 dozen cookies or so. We'll see what happens tonight.

Anyway, that's all for now...


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