A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wednesday Morning...

Okay, so it's nearly the afternoon, and I think it's important to say that this day is dragging on by. I'm getting a little hungry, so I know that it's almost noon, but I thought I'd blog first.

I was thinking, as I often do, and I've decided that this crush of mine is probably going to be just a crush. I really like Arthur, but I don't really see it going anywhere. Does that make sense? Besides that, I don't think he thinks of me in anything other than the co-worker relationship we share.

Furthermore, I spent part of my morning reading the bits that I've entered, and they've been a little narrow in scope. There is so much more that goes on in my life that I thought I should include them rather than let my entries focus too much on Arthur.

So, on to other things: Last night, Dora and I went for a walk. It was supposed to be the first of many walks, so I was only supposed to start out with a half an hour in mind. That was the plan: one half hour of walking at which time I would come home, put Dora in her kennel, pop in the Pilates DVD, and go for another workout. It's funny that life doesn't work the way you plan it to work. Dora and I stayed out for two hours and by the time I was home, I had big blisters under my feet and my ankle, and I was too sore to think about another work out. Dora was pooped and she went to take a nap in her crate while I made us our dinner.

Then, waking up this morning was fun. I actually got up and was ready to get going, but my legs were pretty sore. A little muscle ache never hurt anyone, so I think we'll go for another walk tonight. This time, I'll keep it to a half an hour or so. :)


Blogger rpalmeira said...

that's a long goddamn walk. esp. considering that the temperature is, i'm pretty sure, defined in the encyclopeida as "really fucking cold."

At least you're keeping busy. Muscle ache is good, it means you're doing something right :)

4:35 PM  

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