A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Updates and Revelations

Okay, so it's Wednesday and I've been avoiding the blog for a bit. I apologize. So, how was the New Year celebrations? In a word? Non-existant. Yep, that's right. I had a quiet night at home with Dora and Colby-Jack, and it was peaceful and relaxing. I spent some time on the phone with my family in Hawai`i and in California, was ambushed on the phone by, what everyone would deem a wicked wicked aunt, and read a lot.

My plans were to go out with my friend, Jenn, but her friend, Christi from Grand Island, NE, gave her a call and rather than keep Jenn in Omaha (which is what I would have liked), I told her that she should go and hang out with her friend who she hadn't seen in forever. No, no hard feelings because I did have an enjoyably quiet evening. I was looking forward to a night of debauchery, instead, I had a nice night where I didn’t have to dress up, do my hair or makeup, and I could just sit and relax with my babies.

Sunday wasn’t a big to do either. Dora and I met Rob and Elaine and trained for about a half an hour – just working on her obedience and new commands. I’m hoping that she’ll know how to fuss (pronounced foos – it’s a command for heel) properly by the time I take her home to Hawai`i. Again, very easy going and no stress whatsoever.

Monday was similar. I had a killer headache so we didn’t do too much, but we did go to train for a bit. I think she just likes to get out of the apartment and run around – because we did a lot of that, too. Then, after dinner on Monday, (shock of shocks) Kory called me! He wanted to know when he could come and get his stuff. I was so thrilled! I was seriously starting to wonder if he was going to come to get his crap! During the phone conversation, he says, “This is really nice – this talking to you and stuff.” So, I say, “Yeah, well…” And (here’s where the revelation comes into the picture) this is what I’ve discovered: I’m over him. It will be nice to see him, but I’m over him. Because as I was sitting there watching Dog The Bounty Hunter and talking to Kory, I realized that I really was still thinking about Arthur. It wasn’t a conscious effort thing where I had to bring his image in my mind…it was just there.

This discovery has led me to another: I really truly like Arthur. Every time I see him, I get these little butterflies in my tummy. A look, a glance, a gesture…it doesn’t take much. And I don’t think it’s rebound crap or that I’m clinging to someone to like because, for a long while, I denied any kind of emotion that was other than just being friends. Now, though, I am totally liking him!

Jeanean says that we need to plan another outing so that we can possibly get to be more than just co-workers. Anyway, it’s a sound plan and I’m up for just about anything. Anyway, that’s the update and revelation(s). Isn’t it interesting that things work themselves out that way?


Blogger rpalmeira said...

Progress is an amazing thing. Congrats. Hope all goes well in the new year. I've resolved to stop drinking...tequila. I saw Walter yesterday, he's off to CA with a bunch of kids for a tournament this weekend. He says "Hi."

12:05 AM  

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