A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Been A While...Let's Catch Up!

Well, it's been a week now, and there has been so much that's happened, but it's been really painful for me.

About two and a half weeks ago, I was offered a job in a different division of the company. I readily accepted - without asking pertinent questions like, how much will I get paid, and what will I have to do. Anyway, the training for that job was supposed to begin sometime this week. It wasn't announced, as of Monday, so I asked Rob if he knew when the training was supposed to start. Well, on Tuesday afternoon, after I was told that my start date would be the 10th of the month, and that I would be getting all the training I would need to be a pro at the job, Rob calls me into his office to tell me two things: 1) I'm not getting the job because they've changed their mind about me and want someone older, more mature, and who has more experience with receivables, and 2) that the resident twig in the office has been talking smack behind my back to one of the three big bosses - telling him that I leave early to go and do personal stuff for Roger and that it's on company time. FUCK!

So, I've been dealing with that crap. On top of that, yesterday, I came into work early so that I could leave a little early. I was in the office at around 7:30 so that I could leave at around 3:30 - a nice eight hour day since I bring my lunch and work through lunch. So, when I go and run an errand for Rob and Roger, I come back, fill my car with the dog food that Rob has purchased for Roger and proceed to tell Rob that I'll be leaving in a bit and that I came in early today. He says to me, "I'm staying out of it." What? What the hell is that? Aren't you supposed to be my friend who's got my back? Isn't that why you told me that crap about the twig in the first place? So, I call my sister and vent to her, and she suggested that I just let it pass because it's so out of character for Rob to be acting this way. So, I let it pass. Whatever.

Today, I'm sitting in the office - after lunch - and I'm getting ready to do another bank run for Roger and Rob says, "I hope you're keeping the receipts for all the times you wire him money." I said, "What for?" He says that it's because Roger will get the check back, know that he only asked for this much, but that I would have to have taken out more than what he requested. Okay, so? So, Roger doesn't trust me now? Or, I have to prove that I'm not doing anything wrong now? What the fuck? You know? And then, Rob changes the subject and says that tomorrow is pay day...I say, yeah. And he asks how much I'm going to put to my car tomorrow...I say, "I don't know. I'm early on payments, so I thought I could wait a bit..." He says, "The earlier the better..." I'm thinking to myself...what the fuck is going on here?!? I feel like I've stepped into another realm where I'm no longer trustworthy. What is this?

My sister says that I should confront him about this...talk to him. I say fuck that! Why should I bring more drama into my life when I don't have to? I only owe $200 more for this month on my car, and I want to start paying my mom back for the furniture that she bought when I couldn't get it myself. (Oh yeah, I've got some furniture in my once empty apartment.)

Anyway, that's my drama for now. I'm super bummed because things just seem like they're falling apart at the moment. Have you ever had that feeling that no matter what you do, there's nothing to keep things from going to pieces? I suppose there isn't a whole lot I can do but roll with it and stick it out, right? Wish me luck, because I feel like I'm going to need it!


Blogger rpalmeira said...

I've had a few of those days. Kind of feels like you've been anally gang raped by life. Yeah, never fun. Best of luck with all that. It'll work out through effort and determination.

2:25 AM  

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