A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Why is it that when I decide that I'll be different and be true to myself when it comes to relationships that I get burned anyway? I mean, there's only so much rejection a girl can take...you know what I'm saying?

And what is it about rejection that's so hard? Well, this time, it's because I don't think the reason is really valid. Can you honestly say that you'd reject someone and give them the reason that they aren't being accepted is because they think that you should be more selective about who your friends are? I mean...really? What's the case, right?

Okay, so I have this student who is homosexual. He's a good person - just likes boys and all. And while I've never had a problem with it, it seems that Akin does. I call this student, "Big Mama" because that's his personality. He's a good person who takes care of the people around him. He protects people from things that might hurt them and he always appears out of nowhere to help. Even when he doesn't want to, he will help someone if he can...Kind of like Big Mama on The Fox and The Hound. Hence, the name. Well, Akin said that another reason that we can't hang out is because I need to be more selective of my friends. HELLO!!! Isn't there something wrong with that? They're my friends, right? They're the ones that I choose, right? And IF something were to happen between us, and he didn't want my friends around, I would respect that, right? Abso-freakin-lutely!

I guess I just can't believe that's the real reason that I'm being rejected. Akin also mentioned that it's because I hang around a person who doesn't know who he is. Okay, again, HELLO!! Big Mama knows exactly who he is... He's a boy who likes boys and a good person who takes care of those he cares for. What his sexuality has to do with it is way beyond my comprehension.

To make matters worse, we were talking about when I'm done with school... He says, "So, you're off on Friday? That means that you could be here on Friday, right? Oh, boy, that'll get me in trouble. I don't want to get into trouble." My response: "Don't think about it then." Don't freaking play with me! You either like me or you don't, and you either think that we can be something or you don't. Freaking cut me loose if you don't see it going anywhere or reel me in if you think you want it to go somewhere. I understand and respect the need for caution...he's got three kids and they're young and impressionable...but, really...you have to teach balance, don't you?

Anyway, enough of my ranting and raving... If someone out there has an opinion, please share...I'm tired of being rejected. I'm starting to think and believe that I'll be single for the rest of my life...


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