A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Friday, June 02, 2006

Major Update

Okay, so it's been forever since I've made an entry, and I think that it's a pretty appropriate time to update y'all. Last time I entered something, it was a pretty far ways away from tonight. Since my last entry, I have done a number of things: gotten a different job from the one that I had at David's Bridal. Actually, I've gotten two jobs. The first job is at Aureus Medical as a payroll entry employee, and the second is my dream job: I'll be a teacher at Bellevue West High School as an english, journalism, and speech teacher/coach. I'm excited about both, but thrilled about the teaching gig.

I can't wait for it all to begin, and I feel like things are really looking up for me! In the words of Vince Vaughn as Jeremy Gray, "I'm psyched!"

Since my last update, I've lost my baby - Colby Jack - to some mysterious disease - although, deep down, I feel as though it's all my fault that he died. I have, however, begun to focus on Dora and Baron - my two German Shepherds. Yes, I still live in an apartment, but I'm hoping that all that will change within a few years - two at the most.

Other than that, there really isn't any new news - my brother graduated from high school on May 27th, my cousin is still getting married in September, and I'm still single - in a manner of speaking. So, since that's pretty much it for news, I guess that's all for now! Until next time!!!


Blogger rpalmeira said...

who was watching the dogs while you were back in Honolulu? Hopefully he didn't suffer and at least it wasn't very long.

Hey so congrats on the new job. Teaching gig. rock on. I think I want a new job too. Legal messenger is I think my dream job. All I have to do is walk messages around to different offices and do other random tasks. I need to be brainless again for a while.

I'd be afraid to teach kids journalism now though. They don't know how to write, they barely know how to speak and they can't form an argument to save their lives. Plus "real" journalists take themselves far too seriously. Sort of like lawyers. And engineers. And emo people. ooh yeah, I finally found out what the fuck "emo" is. But then really it just makes me want to smack them around and yell "stop whining bitches!"

8:07 AM  

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