A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

By The By...

Today is Kory's birthday. While I was experiencing a brief moment of insanity, I thought I should be the bigger person and call to say "Happy Birthday" even though he didn't have the decency to do the same for me. In any case, I decided against it because I really wasn't feeling like the bigger person after all and I realized that it was insane to think that I should do that. I mean, I am a good person, and I would like to do things with the intention of being good, but I would have done this just to rub it in his face which, no doubt, would have backfired and I would have ended up feeling like shit. Anyway, I guess that's about it.

Oh, and to answer your question, Reid, I don't really know what happened with the whole job thing. One minute they like me, the next minute, the twig at work is talking all kinds of shit, they don't like me, and they let me go. Yeah, it does sound rather shady, but what can you do? I'd take them to the cleaners if I could, but I've still got at least two friends there who I couldn't see out of jobs...plus, Arthur is still working for them - technically - so I couldn't do that, either...not that I would be able to, just that I couldn't.

Okay, that's really it for now. G'night! :)


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