A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Sunday, February 25, 2007


So, monumental mistakes have been made, and I suppose the purpose of mistakes is to possibly learn from them. But, do I learn? Of course not. A couple of weekends ago, I went down South, and I had a ball. And when I say I had a ball, I really mean it! It was an awesome weekend and I learned a lot about myself and what I want in my life. So, after a weekend of tumult and satisfaction, (and may I mention that there was TONS of satisfaction) I came back home and had lots to think about.

Then, last week Thursday, I am reminded, yet again, of how young I am and how wrong it would be to do anything. Of course, that conversation was interrupted and I had to wait until Friday to finish what was begun on Thursday. So, on Friday, I telephoned and laid it all out there. And when I say that I laid it all out there, I really mean it. I said everything that was in my heart. I said that I liked him, I said I would move down South to be with him and his family, and I said, despite my age, I'm a grown woman who wants for things in her life. I also said, and you'll love this part, that I'm not the one with the issue with my age...he is, and if there's any desire to pursue a relationship, he's got to reconcile his issues - because I already have.

I mean, how crazy is it to let something as little as 18 years determine whether or not a relationship can be had? Okay, so 18 years is a pretty big deal, but would you really turn away from a great match if the only thing that felt out of sorts was the person's age? So, he said that he has to discuss it with his brother (who happens to be a priest) because he needs spiritual guidance. I said that I think he should do it... So, basically, I told him that he should talk to his brother and then call me because I need to know how this all will turn out. He hasn't called yet, and it's Sunday. I figured, I'd give him until Thursday - a full week - so that he can get his ish together... And if he doesn't call me by Friday, I'll give him a call to see what's going on. I think that's pretty generous...don't you?

Anyway, that's my news for now. In my heart, and in my mind, I know that we'd be great together. I love his kids - and they love me - and it all just seems to fit together so well...there's no fighting or ignoring that. I'll just have to wait and see if he feels the same. If not, then there's really nothing I can do but be his friend and student and learn all that I can from him about dog training and the like. Wish me luck!!!


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