A Bend In The Road Of Recovery

A way in which I can vent my spleen about things that are really only important to me.

Location: United States

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One Step

I'm one step closer to achieving my teaching certificate. Last week, I sent a letter to the Nebraska Department of Education requesting an appeal for declining my original application. Today, I've sent out the two sets of fingerprints that are needed to complete my application for my teaching certificate. Let's cross the fingers in hopes that all goes well!

Let's see...what else? Oh yeah, I start the David's Bridal job next week Monday - the 20th. I'm not excited about it at all. I mean, it's work, and it's good, but it's not what I want to be doing. I'm still applying for teaching positions because I just can't stand the thought of doing retail again. I get to have a full time position with David's Bridal, and I don't feel too bad about not wanting to stay there because, in the end, I went to school to become a teacher - not a salesperson. You know what I mean?

The other thing that's got me riled up is that the guy who wrote the training manual I've been working on called me last week and said that he'd like the chapter to stay pretty close to the original product. What's the point in having me do this damn thing if all you want is the same lame stuff that you sent me in the beginning? Why did I even do any of the work at all? I don't know. Maybe I'm being dumb and overly sensitive about my work, but what's the use in having someone alter it if you just want it to stay the same?

Anyway, that's my rant and rave for now. Write if you like! I'm always looking for diversion. :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So, here's the deal. I'm sort of working and sort of not. I need to get my fingerprints rolled so that I can complete my application for my teaching certificate, and I need to go in - on Monday - to fill out the paperwork that needs to be accomplished so that I can start working at David's Bridal. And, in between all of that, I have to go and work on the training manual for the Local 846 Ironworker's Union. I was even proposed to by the guy who wrote the thing when he took a look at the work I had done. Granted, I only spent about 28 hours on the project so far, but I know I'll be putting in more time. When Randy - the guy who wrote the training manual - took a look at what I had come up with, he said that he thought we should get married. And while I know that he was being facetious, it was nice to know that my work was appreciated. My next step is to take what he wrote and turn it into a text format so that it's easy to read and follow. That's probably going to be the biggest challenge out of all that I've had to do for this single chapter.

Anyway, that's the job news for now. I learned that Arthur might not be able to come back for another year or so and that really bummed me out. Not too much, but it's a bit of a dissappointment. Let's see...what else? Oh yeah, I told Rob and Ka`ai about my crush on Arthur...they weren't surprised, but they did say that they thought it would be cool. I think they're stoked that there's another interest besides Kory.

Alright. That's all for now. I think I'm done with this blog. Reid, good to know you're still alive! I hope all is going well for you and am glad that you're keeping busy with stuff. :)